Baby Massage Course

Baby massage has been practised for many centuries in many different cultures around the world. There has been lots of research to show a multitude of physical and emotional benefits from baby massage for both baby and caregiver. Through massage, you can build a stronger bond and attachment between you and your baby. Babies feel loved and cared for, and the stress levels for both of you are reduced. Massage also helps stimulate the baby’s circulation of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones that improve growth and development both physically and mentally.

Attending baby massage classes is also a great way to socialise and meet other parents in your local community, with babies of a similar age.

What is baby massage?

Baby massage involves the parent or caregiver using various methods of stroking and gently squeezing their baby using sequences and techniques to enhance their baby’s physiological and psychological development and to deepen the bond between baby and caregiver through skin to skin touch, eye contact and voice.

As well as learning massage sequences and techniques, baby massage is about learning to understand your baby’s communication through their body language and how to interpret this. Massage is baby-led and only done with babies if they are accepting of the massage.

Benefits of baby massage

Reduces stress for both you and baby.

Helps you and your baby understand each other better

Increases confidence in handling and interacting with your baby.

Helps digestion, reduces colic, wind and constipation.

Relief from nasal congestion and teething pain.

Boosts the immune system.

Helps babies to sleep more deeply and for longer.

Helps baby develop good muscle flexibility & co-ordination.

Promotes baby’s cognitive and emotional development.

About the course

The baby massage course is suitable for babies from birth to pre-crawling. Twins welcome at no extra charge. We do ask that only one adult attends per baby.

The baby massage course is 5 weeks of 1 hour sessions. Each week we will learn different strokes for different body areas and build up to a full body massage by the end of the course. We will include some rhymes to make this more fun and interactive for you and baby. There will also be time to have a cup of tea or coffee and have a chat with other parents.

Baby massage should be baby-led, so if your baby cries its ok to pick them up for a cuddle, if baby is hungry, its ok to feed them. Whatever your baby wants to do is absolutely fine, we never force babies to be massaged. The most important thing is you and your baby are comfortable and enjoy the class. You will be given a handout each week so you can do the massage at home, using what you have learned from the class when it is a good time for you and your baby.

What to wear

We advised that you wear loose, comfortable clothing yourself as the room will need to be warm for babies to be comfortable during massage. We suggest (but not essential) that baby’s clothes are removed during the massage, except for baby’s nappy.

What to bring

At your first class you will be offered a complimentary bottle of cold pressed organic sunflower massage oil, you may bring your own if you prefer. A mat will be available to use during the session. If you want to use your own mat, you can bring one along. Babies are more comfortable with things that have a familiar smell such as their own towel or blanket, therefore we ask you to bring your baby their own towel and/or blanket along to the class. At the end of each class you will be given an illustrated handout to help you remember and practice the strokes we have done in that class at home.

It’s a good idea to bring along some spare clothing, nappies, and a feed for baby if you are not breastfeeding. If your baby has a favourite small toy this may also be comforting for baby if they become unsettled during the class.

Where & When

Classes will be held at Worsley Road United Reformed Church, Swinton, Manchester M27 0EF.

Wednesdays 1.30 – 2.30

Bookings only, bookings can be made online. Each course is limited to 8 babies per course (with exception of twins).

Courses are non refundable but may be transferred to a different date within 48 hours notice prior to the 1st class.

Please do not attend class if you or your baby are unwell. Allow 72 hours after your baby’s immunisations before performing massage.

2 thoughts on “Baby Massage Course

  1. Hi.
    I would like to book for this but can’t make the 16th as it’s my birthday. Am I able to go to another session on another day that week or am I better waiting until November? She will be 5 months old on the 7th of October so I am just conscious of her getting too old if I leave it too late. What do you think is best?

    1. Hi Serena,
      Sorry for the delay replying to you, I have had some technical difficulties with my web page.
      The course only runs once a week for the 5 weeks. Usually, when parents can’t attend a session, they take the class handout home for that week, as we do go over it again the week after. The baby massage is progressive over the 5 weeks. We focus on one area per week and build up to a full massage by week 5, going over everything we have done in the previous weeks.
      It is absolutely fine to book the month after, some babies do become a little more mobile by 6 months and don’t always allow a massage in class but it can be done later at home when your baby is more relaxed.
      If you need to contact me further, I will be able to respond in a more timely manner via e mail at [email protected].
      Again, I apologise for the delayed response.

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